Friday, March 6, 2009

Scratching Post

The new Ticat beat writer for the Spec, Drew Edwards, has a blog similar to former beat writer's Ken Peters. It is now included amongst the links. Seems to be of high quality, with a lot of links to articles from across the nation, including one on Jesse Lumsden trying out for our bobsled team, wtf?

Edwards seems a bit more formal than Peters, who I will miss. Peters apparently spent five years on the Ticats beat. That's a pretty crappy five year period in terms of win loss.

Also there's been some rule changes, based partly on the fans' suggestions in the CFL, including kickoffs after safeties from the 20 rather than the 35 and kickoffs after all field goals. Not bad. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing the point after eliminated, with only the option for the two point convert. A bit drastic, but probably more exciting.

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