Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Rules

So the league will enact four new rules, some of which were apparently suggested by fans. Moving the safety touch kickoff back ten yards is ok, considering there seems to be more and more safeties. Maybe a more effective way would be to increase the value of a safety. Making all field goals be kickoffs isn't bad. Wildcat formations for the QB. I guess it could be interesting, although I have a feeling the Cats will be more victims of this than coming up with wacky gimmick plays themselves. Don't really care about the challenges change so much.

Personally one rule change I've advocated for some time is getting rid of the single point after and making everything a two point convert attempt. I suppose it takes away from the excitement of the whether the coach is going to go for it or not, but you're guaranteeing an extra exciting play for each TD score. To maximize the excitement based on information theory, I would set the distance from the goal line for the attempt at the point where approximately 50% of the converts are successful. Maybe that is the three yard line. One small disadvantage would be tie score situations would probably be less throughout the game, i.e. no matching TDs.

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